[My last event with the girls...Jessica's bday]
Back to my boring life. I had summer school starting two weeks ago but last week I dropped the class..stat 50 was too hard. :( maybe i shouldnt have dropped it but it was too hard too much to learn in a week and my first exam i already got a 41%. I need to find a job so I will have something to do in the summer. Everyone is gone now... Karen is in Ohio for an internship. Nancy just left to VN for some volunteer work. everyone else has a job and what not. :( I miss my girls..I dont hang out with them as much anymore. But I guess I'm gonna grab some drinks with tiffy this week cuz i text her to catch up and stuff :)
summer days are usually supposed to be fun. I guess I should start making plans :P but im so lazy and im so broke boooooo....
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