may 29, saturday Kevin's bday party
wow so i saw these 2 girls at the party...which i did not expect to see...cuz i dunno...i thot they dont even hang out with the group anymore. so wen i saw "sharpie" i was like just like wow..tried to stay away from that side so it was w/e. karen was like oh look its "name" and i just continued getting food and didnt say anything cuz she didnt say anything either...and i doubt she woulda said anything..but thot it was funny that she talked to jackson...but then again...he was the person who said hi to them first...wen i got there all the guys were like jaxxx!! your finally here...i didnt know he was that popular with them. but kuoch was the most excited to see him...he even got up to give him a hug. but yea the end of the night was hilarious...cuz kevin got f**ked up!! hahah he was so belligerent...and talking alot and i evne recorded it haha.

may 31, Monday Huntington beach with the girls
it was fun..we took lots of pics! and just talked and tanned. :P its funny cuz me jeanny and quyen always end up staying together and talking wen the girls meet up..but the 3 of us dont really hang out together on our own...and its kinda sad we kinda exclude the rest of the girls wen we get together. :[ anyways after the beach everyone else went home but me and jeanny went to the mall. and then we bumped into helen and tiff. haha and those 2 didnt even go to the beach with us! :P

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