so this past weekend was On Van Nguyen's bday and wasn't planning to go cuz i wasnt really invited anyways haha. but most of the girls were going so i was like okay sure. lol reasons why i do not prefer to go to these events is cuz i never really talked to them in high school so why start now....not to sound like a bitch or negative but its true...like even when we were there...none of his group really tried to talk to us...and i saw a little more effort from our group to talk to them but some looked unwilling to talk to us. hahah but what am i to say anything since i didnt really try either. but i dont wanna waste my energy on that right haha. there was one girl that said hi and hugged all teh girls standing outside then she stops at me and didnt hug me LOL. i mean there are other times that she's hugged all of us girls since it was like only 4...but i guess there were like 6 or so of us...but still thot it was kinda awkward...she didnt even hug nancy too. but w/e im over it. this is why i rather not associate ppl like them.

anyways so i hung out with jax a lil b4 i went out with the girls. he didnt sound like he even wanted me to go...i think he wanted me to stay with him...haha. but yeah so it was like 9pm and hang came to pick me up with the rest of them: quyen, helen, and wendy....quyen called me b4 and asked if i had any drinks at my house and i said no....wen i got in the car she told me i was being rude about it haha...but i guess i was... o_O it just caught me off guard cuz i didnt know she was gonna ask me that.
so we got to J Lounge...waited for ppl....jeanny text me and said she was coming...wen we got in we waited for jeanny and eventually she got in...we went downstairs in the patio area and just chilled a bit...On's group had a bottle service so it was pretty big by the time we saw On...he was already drunk hahaha. dangg right. we all said happy bday to him and hugged him and took a pic with him. jeanny had to tease me about him tho cuz i used to like him but w/e im not surprised theyre gonna say anything.
the lounge was pretty nice... a lot happened so cant really recall all the stuff...but its always revolving around wendy having a story....and jeanny having a story hahah. wendy even said she didnt wanna drink that night and she was the only one that was wasted. haha after the lounge we went to jj cafe. then home.
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