From top left to Right
1. Benefit La Bamba $28
2. 3 free samples from Benefit (BADgal, Posietint, the POREfessional)FREE
3. Vita-K (for fading acne scars)$15
4. Macadamia set with shampoo, conditioner, leave in cream, and healing oil (got it from Hautelook)$27.35
5. Sonia Kashuk eyeliner $6
6. Maybelline define a brow $5.59
7. Maybeline line stiletto $6.24
8. Loreal cream eye liner $10.69
9. Wet N Wild eyeshadow quad Lust $4.49
10. Wet N Wild eyeshadow quad Vanity $4.49
So I've been shopping for random makeup lately. :P I'm excited to try out all these new stuff I've already used the Wet N wild Vanity Pallete and the colors are really pretty! :) I've been curious with cream and liquid eye liner lately so thats why theres so many things for liners I dont use liner on top of my eyes often but ive been loving that look lately. :) I bought the Benefit La Bamba because I wanted the free gifts hahaha but i also wanted to try the new blush since i really loved the coralista color and i knew it would be just as beautiffuul!! hehe anyways imma write on reviews that i love later on kayyy