Aiden was born! he was 5lbs. so tiny. me lung and sandy went to go see tiff at the hospital and to see him born. ive played with him a few times but there isnt much to do with him. just carry him lols.
may 14 saturday
went to the zoo with jax.
may 20 thursday
went bar hopping@downtown fullerton with the girls: me, jeanny, quyen, tiff, helen, and shoana. its kinda funny that wen we ask teh girls to come out with us we dont spend as much time with them. part of the quyen and jeanny went back to the car to drink more. and later went back to the girls. but in the pics it looks like the 3 of us took so many pics together haha. :D anyways it was fun. went to IHOP after that.
there's a few updates that happened recently.
may 22 saturday
went to some play with jax..he was being annoying..putting the blame on me saying we're late cuz of me...seriously?!? he's the one that is ALWAYS LATE and just cuz i didnt wanna drive to his house first and he blames me. o_O how is it my fault that there is traffic...and detours on the roads. like seriously if he's that scared to be missing these things start planning early. you say u wake up at 12....and does it take that long to get ready...he leaves his house at 2pm and expects to get there by 3...umm learn how to be responsible and be on time...shit it gets so annoying with his being late all the time...stuff important like my sisters wedding...he was like 45mins late.