WED/ Wendy's bday party @my casa.
so wendy text me tuesday afternoon and asked if she can have the party at my house. i was kinda caught off gard. and have a tendency to please ppl and just say yes. so i said ok but lemme ask my parents. but a couple mins later she mass text everyone and said its gonna be at my house and i didnt even have a chance to ask them since im at work. -_-" so w/e. so i asked my parents about it when i came back from work. they were kinda >:/ angry but what are u gonna do. so i said its gonna be held outside so we wont be in their way.
so the party was alright...kinda boring. lol since im so used to parties having liquor and that night there was only one bottle of bacardi. it was kinda lame. and dude that drink was freaken NASTYYY!!! yO! i took 2 shots of that shit and threw the hell up!! hahah. first it was just in my cup then i walked to the grass and threw up. some idiot decides to bring bacardi was so stupid lol.
THUSDAY/ Clubbin' with the ladies @Kress
okay so i thot i would never step into a club in my life again right? but EVERYONE kept asking me to go. so i gave into peer presure like last time lol. 1)Nancy called and told me to go 2)tiff text me to go 3) karen text me if i was going 4)jeanny asked me if i was going. so i kept chatting with tiff on AIM and she convinced me to go. she said she would take care

anywhooo so i finally said that ill go. so after work i ate some food then picked up jeanny and we got ready together. helen came to pick us up. oh yeah it was a girls night so ppl that went were: me, jeanny, karen, nancy, tiff, helen, wendy, hang, ginger, quyen. after they picked us up we went to hangs house..chilled..took a shot of patron, picked up tiff. headed to the club took a sip of jegger dunno how to spell. then went to the club. i felt a lil buzzed but still nervous haha. later we find out that its just a lounge not really the club. lol so we just sat there on the couch for a bit. drink someone elses drink LOL. so i felt a lil tipsy the rest of the night. we danced for the most part of the night and took a lot of pics. hangs friend bought alot of us drinks :)

went out with jax. i dunno why we're not as close anymore. maybe we're 2 very different ppl. but i mean we were always different....even b4 we dated. i already knew that. i guess he was saying that it seems like i have alot more fun without him. he said ive been alot bitchy-er towards him. everything he says i just give him attitude. Sunday night we had a deep talk about "us" and where its going. it came to a point when he said "theres only 2 things we can do things out...or break up" i dunno i almost cried at 3 different times of talking to him. i told him i wanna work things out. he told me if anything he will still be my best friend. lol and then i said you know best friends cant kiss and stuff. lol and hes like yeah we can on the cheek! and i said if i date some dude hes not gonna like that lol. he said he just wants me to be happy and if im happy with some other guy hes happy for me. awwww.... how sweeet. for the most part of the convo. he was mostly talkin cuz i didnt know what to say. and he wanted to have that convo just to know whats going on with me and why im being the way i yeah i guess we're gonna work things out. :)
the end.