Wednesday, October 21, 2009
update of my life
anyways with my life right now. halloween is coming up and i really really wanna dress up cuz i never have b4 and esp with my girls!!!!!!!!! :) it would be so nice to dress up and take pics with them. anyways im excited cuz we might actually do something :) hehehehe even tho i know its gonna be clubbing...its all gravey cuz its something to do hehe. alright i need to study and get off the web!!! bad me haha
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
vacation and girl nights out :]
here's an upadte...i just got from my vacation about a week ago. it was so much fun! the weather is kinda weird tho. its like so humid. i dont think it was good for my skin haha cuz i got so much acne while i was there and when i got back to cali.
this is what we did:
1) hang out with boa- went to the DOLE PLANTATION- went to Giovanni's shrimp truck =]
2) swimming/ Paradise cove Luau...saw alot of hoola girls and hoola boys lol
3) sun burn =[
4) alot of mosquito bites
5) Pearl Harbor...and shopping
yeah we did alot of stuff and got burnt out....jax got the worst of everything tho. sunburn really bad and got alot of mosquito bites =p.
ever since i got back i've been going out alot since jeannys single now she always wants to be out lol.
i got back on wednesday and i slept all day when i got back
THUrs/ went to coconut Bay with jeanny, helen, and tony. :] and we got pretty wasted. haha after drinking we went back to jeannys house cuz she had to pee and she took her bathing suit with her thinking that we were seriously gonna go swimming. so jeanny called up magic tony and he said no. and then later i got a text from jax and he said baby are you drunk? why do u wanna go to tonys house to go swimming? and i told everyone in the car and we were like OHH SHITTT.... so jeanny was pissed and text him and said i hate you bitch thats why we dont invite you anywhere cuz you talk too much shit. and i text him shit like that too. hahah. after that we headed to my house and chilled.
FRIday/ jax came over and we ate mickey D's :] and bought an extra big mac for my daddy haha....i think thats why my dad likes him alot cuz he buys him food :] i dunno why but my dad only trusts jax. when i go out without jax he asks if jax is going and i say no and he said why not i dont need to go everywhere with him. and hes like telling me to go home early and its only 8. he thinks if jax is there he can take care of me. so he doesnt trust me to take care of myself or something. i told jax about it and i siad maybe he wants me to hang out with jax cuz i usually go home early if im with jax. lol
but yeah he took me to see time traveler's wife. it was ehh. i was expecting too much. :P
SATURDAY/ Girls night out :)
we were supposed to go to DNB but we changed plans cuz i told wendy that helens place was gonna be free so we should hang out at her house instead. so we asked helen and she said okay. at 5ish i picked up wendy and karen to lollicup and waited till helen got back from school. went to go eat some korean bbq in rosemead. after that picked up some drinks. then headed to helens house. everyone slowly got there...i think that was a better idea then meeting up at dnb at 11 since thats when jeanny got out. so yeah we all drank green apple pucker, smirnof, and UV. i didnt have UV tho haha. i knew it would be nasty and i was driving. but yeah some girls left early the rest just kicked it and went home at 3am.
nothing. just did laundry and chilled at home.
nothing. bought food at the grocery store cuz theres nothing to eat!
gonna go to vegas this wekeend! :)
Monday, August 10, 2009
beach and party raid haha
im gonna be going on vacation soon! like in 2 days!! woot woot. :) gonna go to hawaii with the bf. ;) yay cant wait!
hmm so this weekend...
Saturday 8/8/09
went to the beach with wendy and her friends. it was okay. some parts kinda felt left out cuz there were 3 other girls and so all 4 of them are really tight. so they would all mess around with each other. at first we were kinda just sitting there tanning. then they started to go in the water. wendy wanted to go but only when they asked her to go. lol and she asked if i wanted to go but i was like nah its okay. so all of them left to the water and i was at the sand area by myself. =[ so i felt kinda excluded. i dont really wanna blame wendy for taking me out with her friends....i think if i was more social i would be okay in that situation. but oh wells. so while i was sun bathing by myself i was texting jeanny and jax. later i called jax and talked. later the girls finished playing in the water i guess thats when wendy wanted to take me out in the water. so i went in but i was scared of the waves. later we got to the deeper side of the water and a huge wave pulled me in. and i screamed which i know i shouldnt have but its like those instincts u know. but yeah then back to the sand and sunbathed until we went home. headed home at 4ish. at night went to dinner with my family since jeh jeh was back.
Sunday. 8/9/09
didnt do anything all day but go on facebook. haha david msged me to go to tonys house for a party. so i asked jax if he wanted to go so yeah we went. he came at like 8. headed to cvs to pick up beer then went to tonys house. played some beer pong. i won twice. :] and ALMOST won a third time one on one with simon. -_-" it was like one cup against one cup. after beer pong alot of ppl were some ppl went inside the pool. eventually we made too much noise and the cops came cuz of noise complaints from the neighbors. the cops were trying to be all nice to us at the beginning asking us who the owner of this house or w/e and then asking if we had work or school the next day. later tony came out and i guess he was being rude to the cops. the cops were like whats your name and age. have u been drinking. and he answered everything. and tony was like how did u get in here did someone let u in. and the cops were like we walked in open the gate do u want me to show you how i did it. HAHAH and i guess what tony said to him pissed him off and said u know i was gonna let u off easy and tell u guys to go inside but now im just gonna ask your guests to leave. i thot that was pretty funny. the way the cops were lecturing tony. i thot it was hilarious. i was like smiling the whole time it was happening. not cuz he got in trouble. just thot it was so lame how the cops were lecturing him. i guess cuz in my head i thot they wouldnt be aloud to be here without like a warrant or something lol. anyways after that we went to johns house for a movie night and watched sex drive.
the end.
Monday, July 27, 2009
I haven’t been writing much on my blog anymore. I guess I just got lazy and abandoned it haha. Hmm so I got better from my fever a while ago it took just a weekend for me to get better. :] so yeah today was the most annoying thing of my LIFE!!! I was in this group with these 2 guys. One didn’t talk much fine with me didn’t bother me or anything. But this mofo talks so much shitttt like omg. I’ve talked to him this one time a couple of weeks ago and we were cool and everything but today he keeps asking me why im so shy and don’t talk that much and how he wants to bring me outta my shell and shit. Like seriously are u trying to fucken hit on me or something. He later asked me if I had a bf and I said yeah for 2 and a half years and hes like danggg have u cheated on him yet. Im like now. O_O and hes like I don’t believe you….and hes like imma help you cheat or something and later he started to say how im all fine and shit and how he would go for me. And im like okayyyy….. thanks? Ughhh man I only have 3 more days in that class and I cant believe this is my last impression of the class…like he never bothered me before but I guess cuz this is the first time I was in his group.
Anyways this last weekend didn’t do much.
July 24 Friday// Huntington Beach
Went to the beach with some of the girls and other people. Some ppl met up at my house at like 11am. Headed to the beach…I rode with tiff and the other 2 drivers were wendy and marcel. But yeah it was alright just sat under the umbrella most of the time. I guess im not that sociable because at the beginning all the girls were just sitting and talking but when some people met up with us….eveyrone started to form groups and talk but I ended up being alone. :(…..thats why I wanted to leave early with tiff….. The worst thing of my life again was when I got this fucken ugly ass tank top tan!!! Well sunburn but dude its gonna look nastyyyy in a couple of days.
July 25 Saturday// Pool party
Sat was supposed to go to nancys apartment thing. But no one really called or text me to go so I was like eh w/e. later that day jax came over and we were just watching tv. My bro called me and asked if I wanted to go swimming and I said okay so I got ready and headed to sandys house. It was mostly just lungs friends there but didn’t really talk to them. So me and jax got into the pool and I was shy at first to start swimming…but eventually I learned how to float and swim under water. Its funny cuz I saw this guy I used to go to hs with..danny something that hangs out with Michael lac and them ppl. Dunno if he noticed who I was cuz he didn’t say anything and I I didn’t say anything to him either. =p after we finished swimming and eating we left cuz it was kinda awkward haha. Later that night we went to jimmy’s house to play wii games. It was kinda fun cuz we won a lot of the games :)
July 26 Sunday// Movie night
Jax came over and picked me up… we went to eat at mr chopsticks. Then went to watch the proposal. It was a nice chick flick. After that watched half of the movie, the ugly truth. It was alright movie. Katherine hiegel always plays the same character. The control freak and all that.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
im so sick of being sick... :(
anyways last weekend was 2 parties...mmmm....friday night was Terrance's bday party. it was alright...didnt drink that much cuz jeanny was entertaining her guests. she had to take shots with ppl since terrance was done for the night and didnt wanna drink anymore. lol the end of the night she was so drunk and he was so sober. hahah.... the next night was cuong, simon, and jimmy's grad party....and it was whatever...didnt really feel like a party...just like a kick back. i played beer pong for the first time with karen and we lost by one cup!! :( later i played again with simon as my partner and we killed the other team haha :) but yeah that was it.
the end
Sunday, July 5, 2009
my sister leaving..
man i feel so lonely...even tho jeh jeh is never home most of the time. now its gonna be forever. and then lung and sandy are gonna buy a new house soon. and im gonna be the only one left at home :( i need to figure out what im gonna do with my life.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Long Weekenddd
I got off work at 3 to go get ready for the grad. when i call jax he barely wakes up from my phone call. -_-" seriously if he loves to sleep all day thats exactly what he will get this coming weekend. =] sat and sun i didnt see him. and he was bored all weekend haha. anywho he came to pick me up and we headed to riverside. sat with his family. took pics. went back to simons apartment to pee...and guess who we see?? TUYEN! it was so crazy to see her after 3yrs? and was kinda awkward too and didnt even talk to her. when i saw her i was like tuyen?! and shes like susan! and then we hugged took a pic together with simon too. then went to his apartment..didnt even have a chance to say goodbye. lol
later went to dinner with his family. after dinner went to jimmys house and hung out. played kings cup but drink wine coolers no one really get tipsy lol. after the game we played "i never" was w/e. went home at like 3ish.
June 13 Saturday// out with my lil sis
took annie to get her eye brows done. then went home so she can clean up. then headed to the mall. walked around the new promenade. looks pretty nice. :) then shopped for a bit. we were gonna get some mac stuff but no one would help us so we went to this makeup outlet in alhambra. i only got 2 eye shadows. then went to tj max to get a fathers day present. then went to eat pho.
June 14 Sunday// Quyen's Grad Party & Grandma's Bday Party
went to Quyens house at like 2:30ish. it was mostly a family thing. the ppl who went were me marcel quyens friend julia tiffany ginger and chris. wendy and their friend amy were going later. but yeah most of it was just eating and talking. lol. went home at like 5:30 then waited for my mom to get home so we could all walk to grandmas house. grace drove to our house too so we walked with her there too.
but yeah it was w/e. played with YUKI!! :) later graces bros came. raymond roger richard and richards bf. since we were all the same age range(me-22, richard-22, grace-21, annie-19, raymond-18? roger-16....collen-14, wendy-11[colleen and wendy are a bit shy and didnt really talk to us lol]).....we were mostly hanging out together. so yeah it was cool. kinda catching up with them.....we never really see them cuz they live so far. it was kinda boring and asked them to play drinking games but theyre like nah i have to drive home later. =p but yeah after we opened the cake all of us headed home.
Since i didnt really hang out with jax this weekend he wanted to hang out today. lol so yeah. hes gonna come over after i get off work. :)
The End.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Lakers Vs. Magic
yesterday i think it was game 4 Lakers vs Magic. and yeah usually i dont really watch the games cuz i dunno no one to watch it with...well lung always watches it but yeah. so i started to watch the ending of it and it was FANTASTIC!! :] well yeah the ending was tie game and 4th qrt was almost done. me and my sis was watching it and shes like no way lakers gonna win theyre down by 5? i dont remember. and the only way for them to win is if they throw a 3 pointer. and guess what? Derek Fisher threw one 3 pointer and made it to overtime. =] and also another one to break their 91-91 tie during their overtime. lol i sound like soucha douche since im probably not saying the bbal term correctly. but w/es haha. it was crazy game. cuz the other team (magic) they were like fouling lakers like crazyyy. o_O someone from the lakers Gosal...he made a dunk and someone on the other team freaken slapped him on the back right after he made the basket...i dunno how hes trying to block him from making the basket but looked like he did it on purpose. talk about sore losers hahahahah
The end.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Marcel's & John Legaspi's bday weekend
It was Marcel's bday on the 2nd but he celebrated it on a friday cuz i guess he doesnt have work. So he called me at like 9:30pm asks me to go kick it at karoke. everytime he asks me to kick it i always hesitate lol. but yeah i ask whos going and what time and he said its gonna be him ginger wendy richard and paolo. (chris gene and tiffany were supposed to meet up but didnt) so yeah marcel was gonna pick me up but me and ginger switched places and i sat with wendy. went to la area i think. met up with gingers friends and just chilled there. it was kinda boring. =/ i woulda prefered not to go. haha. i guess it would only be fun with ppl you know. not ppl you just meet haha. ended the night at 130AM
Saturday night// 060609
Wendy calls me at like 9ish and asked what i was doing. and i said i was at michaels with jax. she asked to go to john legaspis bday....and again i was hesitant to go LOL. i was like ok ill drop by later. so me and jax went back to my place and he had a headache so i gave him a tylenol. jax didnt seem like he wanted to go cuz of me and johns history of course. but eventually i convinced him to go. i said we would just go say happy bday eat and drink and go haha.
so we get there i called wendy to come get me. so we get in the house. john's dad remembered me haha he was like how have you been? and i said good! do you remember me?? he said yeah but i forgot your name. and iwas like susan! :) haha thats so sweet when ppl remember me even tho i havent seen them in forever. (i remember i went to quyens house last yr and her sister remembered me :) anyways wendy went to get john and was like close your eyes i have a surprise for you. so he comes and sees me and he looked really happy that i was there. awww :) its a better feeling then if he saw me and didnt say anything to me lol. so yeah he gave me a big hug and said im so glad your here. and then hugged jax. and then hugged us both at the same time o_O he was really drunk cuz he took shots with everyone that came to the party.
later i saw ky and was like hey ky! and hugged her. and her face looked like "what the hell are you doing here? you werent invited" lol and then he hugged jax o_O ky is a lil too friendly with guys. when she saw one of her guy friends she ran up to him and hugged him and wrapped her legs around his waist! o_O i told jax if i did that what would he do....he said he would pull me off the guy and punch him. haha
the party was w/e i didnt know anyone there so i stayed with jax and talked to wendy a lil bit. jax got pretty wasted. =p more than me. an hr or 2 later we left the party. we told john we were leaving and johns dad said it was good seeing me hahah =] john walked us to the door and outside. i was about to give john a hug in the hallway but i didnt even notice that jax intersected and blocked us so we didnt hug good bye. HAHAH! JAX DID it on purpose cuz he saw the way he hugged me the first time...he thought it was too friendly.
but yeah that was it. jax went back to my house and knocked out. and i painted his toenails orange :] The End.
Monday, June 1, 2009
SAT//May 3o Up in 3-D @ Puente Hills Mall
Jax picked me up and headed to Puente Hills...The movies was at 7pm. went a lil early so we can look around. omg Forever 21 was just built into the mall so it looks soooOoo nice and big! i wanna go back haha. but yeah finished up shopping then went to meet up with karen and cory. The movie was fantastic! =] i loved the lil boy russel! he's so adorable! reminds me of my baby cuz he used to be in boy scouts :] ahahah. after the movies karen and cory went home and me and jax went to go eat ramen.
didnt really feel like a double date. esp cuz we didnt even sit next to each other. all we did was meet up to watch a movie and that was it. hahah usually double dates we actually have conversation over food and get to know cory. i thot karen would want her bestfriend to get along with her bf but i dunno. maybe cory doesnt really like to meet new ppl. but at least there was a moment when karen sat with me and jax sat with cory so they can talk and stuff. get to know each other a lil haha
the end.
his first love...
i was surprised when he told me that he thought that my first love was john legaspi... cuz of course its not first love is jackson cho. =] he thought it was john becuz the way i describe what we had was i dunno like i was so happy. and how i used to say that if i was with him it would be so convient for us to hang out cuz hes just a block away from where i live. and i was like no youre crazyy...and hes like "yeahh its true...tell me this if at the time he asked you to be with him you would not say yes..." and i was like i dunno maybe...and hes like thats a yes.
later he tells me..."youre my first love, my first kiss, ...."
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
love is...
Memorial Day weekend
so at oneish jeanny and quyen came over to my house...then headed to the beach. our plans were huntington beach but it started to get trafficy and plus i had a feeling it would be packed at huntington...we saw seal beach exit so we took it got a lil lost...asked for directions. got lost again.. finally saw seal beach but couldnt find the entrance to the parking lot so ended up at bolsa chica beach. haha when we got to the beach we just set up the blanket took some pics and sun-bathed and gossiped =]
after the beach quyen went home. jeanny chilled at my house till terrance and charles picked us up to go to jimmys kickback. jax couldnt go cuz he had food poisoning..PoOping all night LOL. when we got there..not much happened played card games...lets see tony was an being a dick cuz i asked him to get me spoons for a game but hes like do i look like your boyfriend. so me and jeanny walked away...the rest of the night he was trying to make peace but i dont give a shit lol. i got a lil buzzed at the beginning of the party...cuz i took a shot of sky vodka and played beer pong...and i was pretty bad ass =] but charles had to take over cuz i felt like throwing up.
didnt do much just hw. later at 5ish jeanny and quyen came to pick me up to go get boba...they just got their ears pierced haha. just chilled there and talked at lollicup. then went home to have family dinner with the fam. i was supposed to go to the lounge that night with quyen and them but didnt go cuz jeanny didnt wanna go. had beef with the bf that night too... cuz he never wants to go to family dinner with me. theres always some effing lame excuse after another im so tired of hearing his shit so im not gonna invite him to anything anymore.
its so fucken annoying everytime i invite him to family stuff he says no but if i dont invite him to a girls night out he thinks theres another friggen guy. what the hell is his problem. you cant have it one way and change it when you dont like it. fuuuuuuc lol
the end.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
awesome blogger
“guys and girls are only FRIENDS because the girl keeps it that way.” – James P.
wow this girl is like so smart.. i found this blogger from another blog and im so into what she has to say haha...
blogging at work
Im so bored so imma blog. hmm so 2 days ago jax came over so we can order our tickets to HAWAII!! i kinda learned that i hate working with other ppl LOLLOL. sounds pretty bad when i thot that i did like it LOL. well we were researching about what was cheaper ands stuff well he showed me one for 800ish..and i was like thats too much and said let me look for i found something that led us to eventually something that was 500ish. and hes like omg thats crazy cheaper. and we kept looking around the one with 500 was like 1 and a half star hotel. -_-" i said i wanted at least 3 we settled with a 600 package with flight, hotel, and car. and it took us ALL NIGHT to find it. at the end of the night he was all grumpy cuz it took so long.
im kinda excited about HAWAII but kinda iffy about it. i dunno what we're gonna do there and im scared to go on the plane since ive never been before.
yday at school i also realized i dont like group projects cuz my group members are idiots lol. one of them is kinda like a school girl but her eng is no good and when i ask her to do something she says no i cant i dont wanna mess it up cuz im not good enough. bitch! and when she starts to talk i get annoyed and bored with what she says LOL the other one is cool and stuff but she hardly did anything on the project. w/e maybe im just a control freak and wanted to get it done so we dont have to meet up and waste our time on that stupid project. lol
anyways so i was trying to plan a girls day out thing @the beach cuz i havent planned one of those in the longest time...i guess i forgot how it feels to be rejected from my friends since the last event that i planned which was my bday everyone came. and it was fun with all the girls again. but then again i was drunk LOL. anyways i dont think anyone is gonna go probably just me and jeanny...maybe quyen but who knows. i guess its my fault for trying to make it a girls thing when everyone who has a bf is like MARRIED to their bfs and cant be without them! lol
anyways im out
Monday, May 18, 2009
Disney California Adventure
This last weekend the 16th went to Disney California Adventure with my baby. it was pretty fun...the rides were different from the ones we always go to in disneyland. :] my baby won me a sailor ducky i named him baby lol i cant think of anything else. lol but it was funny cuz we kinda cheated...the game was to fish up the one with the right color...and when someone won a large one jax tried to get that one. =P it wasnt that packed so the lines werent that long. we went on the water ride kinda late like 7ish and i told jax i didnt wanna go on it but he said he wanted to and i got tottally soaked! -_-" then went on hollywood tower of terror that was a good ride. that was the last ride cuz we we're tired of walking so we went to go eat dinner. then went home. =] the end.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
magic tony's bday party
later that night jeanny text me to see what i was doin and i said i was at the party and that she should come. so she came dropped by and the party was almost done since tony was almost done for the night. Jeanny, terrance, danny, and lauren came finally at like 10:30ish haha. it took forever for the directions. i walked them to see tony so they can say happy bday and then next to him was renee lol and she goes hey i remember u...(she said that to terrance) and reneee intros herself to jeanny again even tho they met b4. lol so later when they were done saying hello...jeanny whispers to me and says "did u see that shit she goes oh i remember you...and then intros herself to me..dont u think thats effed up?" and she says this when sehs like 1 ft away from us. hahah i think shes gonna know none of the girls like her. haha.
so later me jax and jeanny went to go sit at our own table cuz it was loud at the beer pong area...terrance went to get food lol. me and jeanny were just gossiping :] after that i told her that everyones drunk so we need to catch up. so we went to take like 3 shots. and got a lil tipsy :] by the time we were finally drunk everyone was done with the party...tonys mom was telling us we gotta go but in a nice way lol. anways so we were all waiting inside of tonys living room and renee comes up to me and says it was nice seeing u again? i dont remmeber how it started...but i said yeah i know whats my name tho? and she goes iris? and im like thats not my name!! and shes like jacksons girlfriend? and im like are u serious why do u remmeber my bfs name and u dont remember mine..and shes like im so sorry its cuz at my party i didnt really get a chance to talk to u...blah blah...well i guess its true but i dunno had to put her in her place no? so i said my name was susan...and shes like ok ill remember it cuz thats my moms name! haha and we hugged! hahah....awkwarddddd....hahaha later jeanny talked to me about that how i was yellin at her haha. o_O i think i was just drunk cuz i wouldnt have said that sober =p
after the party most of us went to the bowling alley. me and jax didnt wanna go but it was kinda still early so we just went there to kick it. me and jeanny got a free smirnof :] cuz i know the bartender... it was kriss. i went to elementary-hs with him haha.
ok well that was it the end!
Monday, April 27, 2009
update pictures// My birthday
sad cuz the party
me & marcel
more girls
me hang and nancy
bonding time with the girls...
the ladies
pls no more pictures haha
april babies and the looks more like me and jeanny are together LOL
me & ginger
me tiff jeanny and nancy
my lovely girls <33
nancy me and tiff
me & tiff
me and baby
my 2 cakes..from jax & quyen&ginger
me & helen
me & quyen
me & wendy
me & jeanny
me & nancy
april babies :)
me & my sis
tina-john's gf, tiff, helen, me and wendy
So the night b4 my party..i was chatting with Tiff about stuff and i asked her about the real reason why she broke up with her ex. i was soOo i dunno..mad? that he would do that to her cuz shes the sweetest person and he tottally took advantage of her literally...even when she told me the story she never really sounded pissed or anything at him...well maybe a lil but if i was in her shoes id be crazy pissed...and want him to die lol. i just cant believe she had to go thru all that and never wanna tell anyone cuz she's not the type of person to spread rumors. but anyway...we talked thru it and agreed that she should let the rest of the girls know what really went down..cuz as of then tiff didnt tell much of us....
So woke up SAT morning...dunno what i did...called Jax to come drop off the tables for the party...then went back to his house so he can change and we went to go get some stuff for the party...then he dropped me off at my house so i can get ready... then by the time it was 7...started to set up with tables and dad and lil cuzen helped move chairs for us haha. Lung and Sandy came early to the party. they got me balloons and Dots cupcakes! :) omg theyre the best!! they still treat me like im 12. haha i guess cuz i invited them to my party they wanted to get that stuff for me :) but i feel bad cuz they came but didnt really come outside to the party. :P but yeah they gave me the BESTEST PRESENT!! i dunno how they knew but they got me CHANEL EARRINGS!!! i got fake ones from jax but i dunno if they knew hahah...i loved it!!
so everyone started to come at like 8ish. i guess only 2 group of friends were there so its ok. my girlfriends came<333 and brought their bfs. and then there was John Thai's group...well half of them. john and tina even gave me a present. o_O what a surprise tho cuz we didnt get him anything haha.
i got a lil buzzed at the party...i didnt even drink that much tho. =O oh well. umm so most of the night the guys were playing beer pong and the girls were having girl talk. the first attempt trying to talk to the girls about tiffs didnt go well. the girls said i was too drunk to have that convo. and i know its a serious one but how else will we be comfortable to bring it up. i kept telling them so lets one responded.. tiff whispers to me and says that we shouldnt do it 2nite cuz im too drunk and its my bday..i said so? its ok. shes like i said fine and nancy looked at me and said dont too. wendy was in between us so she kinda was nosy and wanted to when i left she kept asking them about it. so i left it at that....
later me and jeanny went back to my room to open my present from her...and she got me shoes! my first reaction was like oh shoes...haha but yeah i think its alright haha. later some of the girls came in to check up on me...and eventually i told them to bring all the girls cuz we're gonna have girl chat. and then there it was we talked about it. after we finished talking we all went back to the party... and eventually everyone started to leave. and the party ended.
this years bday was pretty tight! i loved it! hahah i wished i remember most of it tho. well i do...just seems like it happened so fast....wished it was longer u know. hahah but yeah i guess this was my favorite bday so far. i think parties are alot more fun then dinners. i think dinners are sometimes boring...hahah cuz sometimes it gets awkward haha.
the end.
will upload pics when i get home :)
Monday, April 20, 2009
This past saturday was jeannys party. The party was pretty fun. I mean it was alot more fun than last year...cuz last yr was at her apartment...didnt really talk to ppl that much or drink much. but anyways. so me and jax headed to terrance's place around 8. got there kinda early...not alot of ppl were there yet.....i didnt eat much at the party...thats funny..cuz almost all parties i never eat that much. i guess cuz i cant have alcohol and food at the same time. im scared to throw it up and stuff lol. i only had a slice of pizza and 2 pieces of bbq. we played beer pong but i sucked that night haha. i feel bad i was telling ppl i was good too. i guess its bad to be cocky. -_-' played spoons too...thats always funn... :) ok well that was it. peacee out.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
school stuff
Monday, April 13, 2009
Another night of Partyingg :/
FRiDAY NiGHT//DNB&Party with some of the girls
so Helen called me @8ish and asked to go to DNB with her and Wendy and i said 9ish wendy came to pick me up and headed to the bar. when we got there we saw Ky & John Legaspi! with Ky's friends too cuz it was one of their bdays. But yeah its crazy havent seen both of them in a while. and the last time i talked to john, he said they broke up but i guess they got back together. lol so yeah it was weird to see john again but it wasnt toO awkward. we just talked a caught up with him.
we only stayed there for an hr then headed to LA for a house party. it wasnt anything was just drinks and play Rock Band. we picked up Hang and went to LA. stayed an hr there too and then went home. i was a lil buzzed haha.
On Saturday, another bday event to go to. It was John's 21st bday. i actually was supposed to go with jeanny in the morning to some egg hunt with nathan but i heard it was a family thing so i texted her im not gonna go...and i guess she didnt get my text cuz she called me the next morning lol i called her when i woke up and apologized and what not shes like its ok. later that day like 5ish jax picked me up and we headed to the party. it always feels weird to go to a party that no one really welcomes you. :( kinda feels like why do we even come for...wouldnt matter if we were there or not nah mean? anyways we ate a lil and then played some beer pong. i was sobber at the beginning so i was pretty bad. lol but when i got some beer in me i was pretty good. me and jax played against simon and kevin. in the end we lost by one beer. lol
the party was boring for the most part until jeanny got there...which was until 9ish -_- i always have a better time when shes there we took some shots and got a lil tipsy and tooks pics. we played another round of beer pong but for shots. :P it was girls against boys and the girls won cuz of me!! ;) we even talked to Tina a lil and took pics with her. Tina's Johns girlfriend :) its kinda funny cuz John took a pic with the 3 of us...jeanny me and tina. and its like a pic of all the girls he used to like and one that hes with. LOL
the party ended at like 11pm o_O and thats when we were just about to have a round of beer pong. but w/e after the party we all went to watch a movie at santa anita mall. the movie was Observe and Report...that guy seth rogen was in it. i hated the movie. some parts were funny but wasnt worth the time and money. i dunno i was still buzzed during the movie so i couldnt even stand sitting for 2 hrs. after the movies everyone went home.
the end.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Nancy's clubbing event @Cabana
I was debating about going to nancys clubbing event. i think i really liked the first one cuz it was new and fresh and it was just the girls. no boys. but this time around most of the girls brought their bfs! so it was thursday night...and we were talking about whos going and who needed rides. me and tiff were talking about the ride situation since nancy was no where to be heard or found to discuss this matter......
oh yeah gossip nancy started dating this guy name Kosal from UCLA. hes the guy we met at the club last week and he bought almost all the ladies drinks. thats hilarious! :) all the girls of course are like hatin on him like omg she can do better..why him...blah blah. lol
anyways so on with the club. it was alright. not that omgosh about. :P i wasnt as tipsy as last time i went so i felt more self-consious. and i dont think i improved on the dancing stuff. :( at the dance floor i was mostly with jeanny and tiff...and they had their bfs! i shoulda been with the single ladies but i dunno. nancy was with her man the whole night! so its kinda lame she invites her friends but doesnt spend any times with us. i wonder if all of us girls do that tho even at dinner oh wells.
after the club me jeanny and terrance went to eat at dennys. talk about the club lol and jeannys partyyy!
040409/SATurDAY hang out with baby
my mom made watch the shop for her since she had to go to the Rose Hills thing. so i was hella tired in the morning cuz i didnt sleep till 3am. after work went home to change cuz it was freakenn hot! and then went to my babys house. chilled there for a while till we decided to go eat at noodle world. after that we went to check if theres any movies to watch but there wasnt anything new or good to watch so i made jax go shopping @Forever 21 :P shopped for a while and then the bestie called complaining about how boys are stoopid lol i agree they are sometimes. im proud of her for leaving his house tho. u need to kick it where it hurts! after shopping we went to the golf range. i had to do something he wanted to do since he went shopping with me :) but yeah i hate the golf range. im not good at hitting the ball far its too hard!! after that we went to THE HAT! and got hot dogs. yumm! ate it at jax house and then i fell alseep watching miss congeniality. :)
NOTHING! lol was supposed to go to David's party thing but jax had hw so didnt go. and plus didnt wanna go cuz i had a feeling it would be lame since it was during the day. and i heard it ended at 8pm. hahaha!
school in the morning. had a test but only took 30 mins and went home :) now im at work!!! :( boringgg
Monday, March 30, 2009
"Spring Break"
WED/ Wendy's bday party @my casa.
so wendy text me tuesday afternoon and asked if she can have the party at my house. i was kinda caught off gard. and have a tendency to please ppl and just say yes. so i said ok but lemme ask my parents. but a couple mins later she mass text everyone and said its gonna be at my house and i didnt even have a chance to ask them since im at work. -_-" so w/e. so i asked my parents about it when i came back from work. they were kinda >:/ angry but what are u gonna do. so i said its gonna be held outside so we wont be in their way.
so the party was alright...kinda boring. lol since im so used to parties having liquor and that night there was only one bottle of bacardi. it was kinda lame. and dude that drink was freaken NASTYYY!!! yO! i took 2 shots of that shit and threw the hell up!! hahah. first it was just in my cup then i walked to the grass and threw up. some idiot decides to bring bacardi was so stupid lol.
THUSDAY/ Clubbin' with the ladies @Kress
okay so i thot i would never step into a club in my life again right? but EVERYONE kept asking me to go. so i gave into peer presure like last time lol. 1)Nancy called and told me to go 2)tiff text me to go 3) karen text me if i was going 4)jeanny asked me if i was going. so i kept chatting with tiff on AIM and she convinced me to go. she said she would take care

anywhooo so i finally said that ill go. so after work i ate some food then picked up jeanny and we got ready together. helen came to pick us up. oh yeah it was a girls night so ppl that went were: me, jeanny, karen, nancy, tiff, helen, wendy, hang, ginger, quyen. after they picked us up we went to hangs house..chilled..took a shot of patron, picked up tiff. headed to the club took a sip of jegger dunno how to spell. then went to the club. i felt a lil buzzed but still nervous haha. later we find out that its just a lounge not really the club. lol so we just sat there on the couch for a bit. drink someone elses drink LOL. so i felt a lil tipsy the rest of the night. we danced for the most part of the night and took a lot of pics. hangs friend bought alot of us drinks :)

went out with jax. i dunno why we're not as close anymore. maybe we're 2 very different ppl. but i mean we were always different....even b4 we dated. i already knew that. i guess he was saying that it seems like i have alot more fun without him. he said ive been alot bitchy-er towards him. everything he says i just give him attitude. Sunday night we had a deep talk about "us" and where its going. it came to a point when he said "theres only 2 things we can do things out...or break up" i dunno i almost cried at 3 different times of talking to him. i told him i wanna work things out. he told me if anything he will still be my best friend. lol and then i said you know best friends cant kiss and stuff. lol and hes like yeah we can on the cheek! and i said if i date some dude hes not gonna like that lol. he said he just wants me to be happy and if im happy with some other guy hes happy for me. awwww.... how sweeet. for the most part of the convo. he was mostly talkin cuz i didnt know what to say. and he wanted to have that convo just to know whats going on with me and why im being the way i yeah i guess we're gonna work things out. :)
the end.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Recap of the week
haha i dont even celebrate St. Patty's Day. lol but Marcel text me the night b4 and asked if i wanted to go to their lil party they were having at paolo's house. :p i wasnt really that interesting in going but wed the next day we didnt have so school so its ok to kick it or something. i asked jax the next day if i should go and he kinda acts that anywhere im invited to he is too and yeah. i guess we're at that stage in our relationship that we do that. but since we had that "little breakup" im kinda wanting to be more independent. and i wanna try to do things without him. For instance, my dad asked me if jax has saturday off so he can take me to pick up annie. i kinda snapped LOL and said what i have to go everywhere with jax or something and hes like no i just dont want u to get lost.
anyways so yeah in the end jax convinced me to go and said hes not jealous that i go and its gonna be a bunch of guys lol. and i said i would just drop by and it was like 9pm when i dropped by and i left at 12ish lol. to me dropping by is just an hr or so but i had like 2 shots and a beer so i needed to sobber up. the 2 shots were technically just one shot since both were half shot glasses haha. anyways the party was alright. i kinda met 2 guys that went to the same middle school was karen! haha isnt that funny?? and when i told karen about it she said that she had a crush on one of them back in the day! hahah the ppl that were there were marcel, paolo, richard "marcels friend", chris, gene, tiffany, ginger, and allen.
March 19th Thursday// Jax's Grandma's bday & Jimmy's Graduation
After work Jax came to pick me up and then we headed to dinner with his family. His grandma looked so happy to see me haha. Jax was sitting next to her and i was next to jax and it was funny cuz she patted his head and then i patted his head haha. she thought i was the same age as Jessica -_-" when i saw jax's sisters jessica and anna they both gave me a hug :) but yeah dinner was ok. me and jax were the oldest "kids" there and everyone else were hs kids and younger haha and they kept fighting for the food.
afterwards we walked around and saw a bunch of kids at nubi and i was joking with jax that hey lets go hang out with those kids over there. haha and then jax goes hey that looks like gary and i said no way that guy looks way bigger and when we were walking away from nubi we saw gary! hes like jax &susan! and jax was like speak of the devil! haha
then we went to meet up with jimmy and them at MPV seafood. we ate with his family too haha. the guys there were jimmy, jusitn, tony, cuong, and kevin. after dinner we just kicked it at the parking lot and talked a lil bit. they wanted to do something afterwards but no one said anything so me and jax just went home.
the end.